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Life Coaching: Packages and Prices
 Coaching is an investment you make in yourself to create the life you truly want. Each of the following packages includes a Welcome Packet with materials designed to get you off to a strong start. Throughout coaching, you'll receive additional materials and assessments based on your particular situation.
Coaching fees are often tax-deductible for people who use coaching to improve business and professional skills. Check with your accountant or CPA for details.
Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars. A coaching month is four weeks (28 days); a three-month commitment is required for each package. I offer a satisfaction guarantee.

Dive In Package


Steady as she goes 

One-on-one coaching—private sessions with your own coach.
1hour session plus 3 scheduled half-hour sessions per month. 
Ideal for people whose funds are tight and who are self-starters.
Between-session email support—convenient, brief communication when you need it.
Access to pertinent tools and assessments and my network of contacts and resources.
$150 per month for RVP Studio Clients/Non $175
**Express clients who elect to pay for three months of coaching up front receive a 10% discount.
One-on-one coaching—private sessions with your own coach.
4 scheduled 40-minute sessions per month. This package accelerates your momentum for dramatic impact on your goals.
Five-minute laser coaching by phone between regular sessions—make a personal connection and share wins or get feedback immediately, instead of having to wait for our next coaching session.
Between-session email support—convenient communication when you need it.
Access to pertinent tools and assessments along with my network of contacts and resources.
Initial 3-month commitment, then we'll work month-to-month for as long as you like.
$200 per month for RVP Client/$225 Non
Power clients who elect to prepay for three months of coaching receive a 10% discount.

Hitting the Mark

One-on-one coaching—private sessions with your own coach.
Works like a regular gym—at YOUR convenience. Instead of prescheduling your sessions, you'll be able to talk to your coach when you need her. No need to stick to a time you arranged weeks before. Ideal for busy people who don't fit neatly into regular schedules.
Get twice as much time with your coach as in the Power Plus package—up to an hour and a half each week, as many as 6 hours per month. This is the package for clients who want maximum return on their time and investment.
Whatever is going on for you, whether you need 5 minutes or an hour at a time, you have it.
No need for additional laser coaching—you'll have plenty of time with your coach, when it's convenient for you. (In the highly unlikely event you need more time, we'll work together to make an arrangement.)
Unlimited between-session email support.
Access to pertinent tools and assessments as well as my network of contacts and resources.
Initial 3-month commitment, then we'll work month-to-month for as long as you like.
$250 per month RVP Client/$300 Non
Success Coaching Gym clients who elect to pay for three months of coaching in advance receive a 10% discount.
If you're considering being coached, you want meaningful results. Those results need your commitment. Most of the projects we'll undertake together will require at least three months to complete, so if you hire me to be your coaching partner, you'll be making a commitment of at least three months to yourself and to the coaching process. 
You can pay by either credit card or electronic check through PayPal, and convenient payment plans are available. Payments must be made in full before coaching begins.
 Duo or Group Coaching
Being coached alongside a motivated friend—or several of them—is like having a wonderful mirror held before you. As your friends are coached, you'll see your own journey reflected and discover yourself. You'll also be sharing the fun and joy of coaching. If you and your friends would like group coaching, contact me for a deep discount.
After coaching begins, I would greatly appreciate a testimonial and two referrals from you. If you arrange for a friend to begin coaching with me, you'll each receive 15% off during every month you're both being coached.
 Quarterly Coaching Checkup
Once a client has achieved their desired big goals, they may wish to transition into "maintenance coaching" to ensure ongoing progress. This program offers monthly email, a one-hour session each quarter, and additional benefits tailored for each client. Fee: $275 per 3-month cycle.
I Guarantee Your Satisfaction With Coaching
No one can guarantee the specific results a person will get from coaching, but I do guarantee your satisfaction with the coaching process. If at any time you're not content with the direction of coaching, simply let me know—we'll take the steps needed to return power to the coaching relationship. Your openness about what you want for your life and from coaching is vital to our continuing success.
If you feel our restructuring is not effective and let me know that, and if at the end of our initial three months together you've taken all the actions you agreed to, you've followed through with a 100% commitment to your progress, and you are not satisfied with how you were coached, I will return the coaching fees you've paid to me. Bottom line: I want you to be a happy and successful client.
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