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Assisatant Vocal Coach

We call Christina Grazio “Chrissy” Rosie’s little protégé. Studying voice with Rose since the age of 6 years old (over 10 years!), Chrissy has joined the RVP Team teaching VOICE & PERFORMANCE this Fall. Chrissy has extensive experience in the following:
⦁ Voice fundamentals & technique
⦁ Performance
⦁ Recording
⦁ Stage
⦁ T.V
Chrissy credits include : WTNH 8, Orange Gazebo, Band Together for Kids, Convalescent homes, School Plays & Talent Shows, Private Showcases for record labels & mgt. companies and more!

We are blessed to have Chrissy join our team which consists of 
Rosie (Vocal Performance), Jamie, (Voice & Drama), Chrissy (Voice & Performance), Frankie (Vocal Styling & Writing) & Kimberly (Acting, Audition prep. & Voice)

Chrissy Grazio

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