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Karl Killer



Karl Killer started drumming when he was at a very young age. Just like any other “born-to-be” drummer, he couldn’t stop beating on the pots and pans and the furniture around the house. Now, Karl is a very diverse and devoted musician. He has spent time studying and performing in jazz bands, concert bands, marching bands, and pit orchestra at Amity High School. Karl was also an RVP student, studying with Greg Trabandt, which helped him flourish into the drummer that he is today. Ever since, he has taken every opportunity to further himself as a drummer, and jumping at any opportunity to expand his knowledge. As a proven product of RVP teaching methods, it only made sense for Karl to start teaching. Greg jumped at the opportunity to have Karl assist him with students; after much success and positive feedback, Karl started taking on his own students as well. Teaching has definitely become Karl’s passion. His love for drums and his positive attitude is a great motivator for aspiring students. In his eyes, every student is a future rock star!


Karl has plenty of experience both in performance, and studio based drumming. Plus his unique experience with previous bands has given him an in-depth knowledge of how the music industry works. Karl has been on several US tours, has played hundreds of shows, and has even had a small stint with Warped Tour. He doesn’t plan on stopping there either, his current original project, Caliway, is starting to make waves in the New England region and hopes to be back on the road full time again soon. As an active musician, he is consistently busy in the music scene both on and off the stage. Karl has recorded and helped produce several albums with his previous band Casting Call, an album with Caliway, and has been a part of many other projects as well.

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